Monday, December 7, 2009


Flickr has become somewhat of a hobby for me. You are welcome to visit my Photostream
My account is now 'Pro', so I get interesting statistics on visits to my photos. I was interested to know where the visitors were from so I installed a Map counter. But I've found it to be inaccurate. I'm receiving comments from Flickr users from around the globe, but the map counter had only recorded hits from Australia. I've now installed a different Flag counter and also added it to my Facebook account. It seems to be recording the same data from both Facebook and Flickr on each site rather than visits only to Flickr and visits only to Facebook. So I'm not satisfied with this one either, perhaps I will install another.
I'm not interested in a Twitter counter because I really don't Tweet that much, rather I use Twitter for looking at news on breaking stories.
I set up a survey not on Survey Monkey but on my Google Docs account. Also free and simple to use, I found this to be really good and all of my respondents were happy to oblige without fear. I would recommend this is a survey tool.
A Feedburner account has now been set up on my blog. We'll see how that goes.