Saturday, April 10, 2010

Web 2.0 tools fascinate me! They open doors to many opportunities. Rather than wanting to find out more about particular tools, I want to continue to be refreshed and updated on what I have discovered, because without using these tools regularly or even semi regularly their usability becomes limited. I want to be able to share the knowledge of Web 2.0 and 2.1 with information seekers, but feel I need to be more knowledgeable myself on their correct application.
Thank you Ellen & Mylee for this opportunity and I look forward to further updates.


Malware - short for 'Malicious Software', is software such as a virus that intends to damage or disable a computer system. Being an Apple Mac owner I avoid trojan horses & worms. I have owned many and various models of Mac computers since the early 1990s. I have never experienced a virus on any of these. This is one of the reasons that I recommend Macs.

Examples of Phishing that I have experienced are the emailed 'letters from Nigeria'. Claiming to want to deposit money into my bank account - please send my bank account details. Other similar letters appear to be on a bank letterhead. Usually they are not well written, may have poor grammer and or spelling mistakes and it is easy to be suspicious of them. It surprises me that some people are so vulnerable to be sucked in by these criminals.
I do not open attachments from an unknown source.