Sunday, April 27, 2008

Answer Boards

Have book marked Taste website & already decided on dinner for tonight!

Also had not come across the Answer Board Librarians wiki. I could sense the feelings of pride when a contributors answers had been credited with a 'best answer'.  Again, all American.

Our library conducts written survey sheets that are handed out for users to fill in & add comments on all services provided. No reason why these surveys could not be put on the library website. 

I am looking forward to a response to the question I have posted on the Yahoo Answers website.


This was a good lesson in the importance of relevant tagging. Initially I was unable to locate my library photograph, but after tagging it properly it was found!  Had fun perusing the most popular blogs & youtubes.

Library Thing

There should never be an excuse for a person with access to the internet to become bored or lonely. Library Thing is yet another great example of how we can all easily connect with other like minded people from around the corner or the other side of the world. Share our favourite books, discover a new author, discuss an interesting topic. The few items that I listed on my Library Thing account seem to me to be a meagre contribution to the 25 million titles listed. One small step for man............

Friday, April 18, 2008

Hadn't heard of this application before. So it's good to learn about it. Interesting, more depth than some of the other lessons. Would be most useful for students who wish to document their study sites.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Decided to embed my own contribution to Youtube, Yes it is poor quality and probably a waste of time, but it was a good learning process & all the models feathered & otherwise are totally gorgeous! Enjoy...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Youtube & other Videos Online

Browsing through the myriad of Youtube videos available for open viewing I felt disappointed. Not only due to the vast quantity of poor quality videos but also the lack of substance contained in many of these videos. Why do people want to post such seemingly worthless videos, it takes time to embed the videos so I'm assuming these people don't have much to occupy themselves with.

It wasn't all without joy though. I was smirking and chuckling at some of the popular funny videos and happy to share them with my family.

For learning purposes I created my own account and uploaded a couple of my short videos that some would no doubt say 'what a waste of time' about. I note they have been viewed, as have my Flickr photos (many times). I wonder who looks at them and what they think. It would be good to know where they are being viewed and by whom, & what were they looking for when they came across my meagre contributions.

I came across a Youtube library induction video for new staff.  Also, a Youtube promoting library services. (Both American). A funny one was from the National Library of Australia showing staff performing a Christmas skit.