Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Social Networking in the Library

My Space & Facebook would be a great way of promoting library events, services & materials and just the library itself. It is free to set up, except for  the staff time that it takes. This staff time would be no longer than the time it would take to create flyers or brochures or ads. My Space in particular is extremely popular with our local teens. I know that the local Youth Centre has a MySpace page, if the library was to have one too the Youth Centre could be added as a friend there by networking with the teens who choose to look at the Youth Centre MySpace page.
Facebook seems to have appeal to a more mature audience.  The library could reach a wider audience by having both sites.
To keep them interesting they would need to be constantly updated, comments read and replied to, friends added on demand. Recent photos posted.
This would surely create extra interest on the library and invite new comers into the library.

Google Docs & Other Freebie Online Applications & Tools.

I have suggested to friends that they use Google Docs to store their resumes and other documents necessary for job hunting while traveling overseas. They don't get lost or damaged in transit or take up space in luggage. They can be added to as the need arises.
 USB's & CDs & Disks could well have a limited life.

A travel diary could also be kept on Google Docs.

Zamzar. Cool name, even cooler idea. Could be put to great use in the printing industry for receiving & delivering files from clients with little idea on how to send files.

I was unable to view the presentation on Thumbstacks. Also couldn't get the demonstration on slideshow to view, but read the transcript.

Friday, May 2, 2008


Most of the podcasts I came across were free of charge. Great. 

The Tim Fisher Railway series from the ABC would be most popular in our local library with borrowers. They could listen at the library on the internet with headphones, or library staff could explain how to access the podcasts at home if the users have internet at home.

I listened to several different podcasts from children's stories to academics.

They were all very easy to find and download.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Answer Boards

Have book marked Taste website & already decided on dinner for tonight!

Also had not come across the Answer Board Librarians wiki. I could sense the feelings of pride when a contributors answers had been credited with a 'best answer'.  Again, all American.

Our library conducts written survey sheets that are handed out for users to fill in & add comments on all services provided. No reason why these surveys could not be put on the library website. 

I am looking forward to a response to the question I have posted on the Yahoo Answers website.


This was a good lesson in the importance of relevant tagging. Initially I was unable to locate my library photograph, but after tagging it properly it was found!  Had fun perusing the most popular blogs & youtubes.

Library Thing

There should never be an excuse for a person with access to the internet to become bored or lonely. Library Thing is yet another great example of how we can all easily connect with other like minded people from around the corner or the other side of the world. Share our favourite books, discover a new author, discuss an interesting topic. The few items that I listed on my Library Thing account seem to me to be a meagre contribution to the 25 million titles listed. One small step for man............

Friday, April 18, 2008


Hadn't heard of this application before. So it's good to learn about it. Interesting, more depth than some of the other lessons. Would be most useful for students who wish to document their study sites.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Decided to embed my own contribution to Youtube, Yes it is poor quality and probably a waste of time, but it was a good learning process & all the models feathered & otherwise are totally gorgeous! Enjoy...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Youtube & other Videos Online

Browsing through the myriad of Youtube videos available for open viewing I felt disappointed. Not only due to the vast quantity of poor quality videos but also the lack of substance contained in many of these videos. Why do people want to post such seemingly worthless videos, it takes time to embed the videos so I'm assuming these people don't have much to occupy themselves with.

It wasn't all without joy though. I was smirking and chuckling at some of the popular funny videos and happy to share them with my family.

For learning purposes I created my own account and uploaded a couple of my short videos that some would no doubt say 'what a waste of time' about. I note they have been viewed, as have my Flickr photos (many times). I wonder who looks at them and what they think. It would be good to know where they are being viewed and by whom, & what were they looking for when they came across my meagre contributions.

I came across a Youtube library induction video for new staff.  Also, a Youtube promoting library services. (Both American). A funny one was from the National Library of Australia showing staff performing a Christmas skit.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Wiki Who..?

After looking at all the American samples of Wikis we were directed to from the Learning 2 website, I hungered for an Australian Wiki. So I've just visited the National Library Wiki, not very exciting, but it is Australian.

I am wondering how to search for a Wiki of interest? When you do find a web location how is it easily identified as a Wiki compared to a Web page?

 Along the way I cam across 'Web links Wiki from Eastern Regional Libraries'. www.erl.vi.gov.au/wikka/wikka.php?wakka=Australia
Appears staff from this library service have been really busy developing this site for their users. Well done to them.
In my library situation, staff could develop & use a Wiki for sharing information. As could Book Club members
I found the staff procedures manual Wiki from the Antioch University New England Library looked most helpful. As a casual employee myself, it would really handy to be able to click on a policy for up to date help while at the circulation desk.

Happy Easter       

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I haven't forgotten........or given up.........

Looking forward to returning to work on this really interesting 'Learning 2' course during the brief Easter break.

Happy Easter One & All.  :)  

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

RSS: real simple!

Rss; well, I've often seen this abbreviation but have never bothered to study it and find out what it is all about. But, it's 'real simple'.  And ever so handy.  I wonder if too many irrelevant updates will be sent to me through Bloglines. But I could limit that by what I choose to subscribe to. One of my chosen 'feeds' or sites was the Librarian's Internet Index. New to me, so I've been browsing it's broad content.  Even links to job vacancies in libraries, all interesting to see what's on offer out there in the world of work options.
Another of my feeds is from National Geographic where I have found this photo taken on March 5th by caretakers at a British aquarium who recently discovered one of its newest residents, an octopus named Henry had six legs instead of eight! Perhaps we could call Henry at Hexopus?! lol


Tuesday, March 4, 2008


What a great time waster Flickr has proven to be for me.  Digital photography is an enjoyed hobby of mine but previously I have not ventured to explore photo sharing sites. Now I have a Flickr account and have uploaded and tagged few of my photos.  Am currently choosing which group/groups I want to join. 
I chose the search words sunshine & praying mantis which lead me to the photo I have posted here which is titled 'Soulless Praying'. It is a public photo. No Creative Commons limitations. I felt inspired after viewing this photographer's other work, all of which were really good, very artistic. Even left a comment on one. I visited his profile and found he is from Vienna, Austria.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Learning 2.0

Hopefully the Learning 2.0 program will keep me savvy when using internet. Maybe then I could share any new found knowledge with others who haven't been presented with an opportunity to learn these skills. 
Lifelong learning enhances the learner's life through nourishing the mind in both formal and informal settings. The lifelong learner may learn by attending a lecture or by trying a new recipe in the kitchen. Lifelong learners are inquisitive by nature and could be tempted to challenge their capabilities both physically and mentally. We are all experiencing an explosion of information, knowledge & technology. Lifelong learning is vital if the learner is to manage this shift in our society.
Perusing the blogs mentioned in the learning 2.0 program was interesting. I could easily become engrossed in the letters from the soldier. Should have started from the blog beginning rather than the latest post.
In days gone by, the local town newspaper was a vital tool for communicating the town's happenings. Including events at the local library. Many smaller towns no longer have a  newspaper. Blogs could be an effective tool for promoting events and happenings, latest additions to the collections and reviews.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Well, there is a first time for everything! 

My middle teenage daughter just got her L plates for driving last week, now I feel like I'm getting my Blogging L Plate tonight as I tap away at my mac at home. With three teenagers there's a bit of queue at my place to get a berth at the computer, so I intend to make hay while the sun shines.
My library employment is only casual, so when I am called in at short notice it isn't to do library web based learning activities, rather it is circulation, reference enquiries & shelving. All of which are great fun.
However I didn't want to miss out on this wonderful opportunity to keep a finger on the pulse of the internet. Hence I'm trying to find time to do this at home when I'm not working either  at my own business, or on my farm or casually at the local public library.